
So I have already written about how being a bride is something that I have been dreaming about since I was a little girl. I wanted the pretty white dress, the wedding, the photos, the magic. I wanted all my closest friends and family to be there to witness the moment where I would get to say “I do” to my best friend. What no one tells you about though is the ups and downs that the people closest to you bring to the chaos. 

When planning, you have this idea of who you want to be at the wedding as a guest and who you want standing up there next to you. For me, deciding who to pick for my bridesmaids was an easy decision, with hard truths behind it. I had to think about my friends I have known for years, and the ones who just recently came into my life. What qualifies someone to get picked? Well for me, I did not look at the length of my friendships, or the proximity to me and the wedding venue. I looked at consistency. 

You see for me, consistency is something that I value a lot in my friendships. But one thing I knew is that each person I chose, no matter how short of a time they had been in my life, had been consistent. Consistent in their friendship, their support, and their willingness to be there when I needed it. They were friends in a way that mattered. I could give them life advice, or opinions on their life choices and I knew that they wouldn’t go anywhere even if they disagreed, and they could do the same for me. 

I knew when picking them, that when standing up there next to me on my wedding day, they would be fully supportive of the covenant me and Conner would be entering together, and with God. So yes, it was an easy decision, but also hard because it meant I had to say no to others who were just as important to me. Being a bride is definitely the best thing I get to experience right now, but making these hard decisions is definitely not something I have fully enjoyed. 

In the end, those who show up for me and Conner and support us, are the people who I want as part of our village and part of this crazy journey.

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